Front Lever – Excellent For Developing Core, Arms And Back

Front Lever – Excellent For Developing Core, Arms And Back

The front lever is one of those impressive calisthenics skills that will keep you busy for quite a while. It’s hard to achieve but a worthwhile goal in your fitness journey. It will require significant core, arms, and upper back strength. You will not need any special flexibility. Just brute strength. Getting good with pull…

Planche – Exercise That Will Help You Build Superhuman Strength

Planche – Exercise That Will Help You Build Superhuman Strength

Planche is one of those extreme skills only a few humans will ever be able to pull off. It requires balance and almost superhuman strength. However, it will still be beneficial to work on achieving this difficult skill. Even if you never reach the full planche hold, you can still benefit from going through a…

Pike Push Up That Will Challenge Strength And Flexibility

Pike Push Up That Will Challenge Strength And Flexibility

Pike push up is an excellent exercise. It will help you develop your shoulder muscles. However, it will work other muscles too. It will help to prepare your body for harder exercises like handstand push ups. This is not the easiest exercise. You will need a significant amount of strength and flexibility to perform it….